Oh how the week flies by when you're baby-sitting a 35-year-old Californian with the social sensitivity and conversational ability of a retarded toddler.
Anyway, it's Free Music Friday again so steady your clicking finger and prepare to get your download on.

First up, the legendary Del The Funky Homosapien - yes, the man who brought us 'Mistadobalina' in the 1990s and later added his trademark flows to 'Clint Eastwood' by Gorillaz.
He's made a full album, 'Funk Man', available for free download on his website. Packed with solid funky jams, conscious lyrics, humour and fricky-fricky-fresh scratches and samples.
If you're a hip-hop fan, freebies don't come much better. Grab that shiznitt right now.

More hip-hop now, this time a compilation from Definitive Jux and cult animation channel Adult Swim.
With a line-up including artists such as El-P, Mr Lif and Aesop Rock, you can see this isn't going to be your run of the mill, auto-tuned, fake dirty south bullshit rap (thank feck for that).
Highlights include El-P's 'Smithereens', 'Brand New Vandals' from Rob Sonic and the bass-heavy stoned-out dubber 'Get With The Times' from Cool Calm Pete.
It's reassuring to hear so many inventive, fresh and unconventional approaches to a scene that can sound stagnant and stale if you only hear the radio-friendly sh*t grabbing all the airtime.
But enough ranting, click here to get this compilation.
See how much we spoil you? Have a good weekend!
Oh and once again, any suggestions or donations of free music for future Free Music Fridays to totalcult (at) gmail (dot) com
Peace out bredren.
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