Over at Fwonk*, everyone understands the beautiful feeling one gets from giving music away for free.
After weeks and months crafting sounds, sculpting waveforms, noodling with synths, slicing samples and polishing the resulting noise into something wonderful, it is with pride and pleasure that we release our musical offspring into the world to be heard and played and enjoyed.
So we've been following bass music's 'Diary of a free album' with interest.
Baoginga and I.D. - whose album 'Big Monster' provided some of the biggest dancefloor smashing moments of 2008 - have just released a free album. Their diary tracks the process, their intentions in making it a free release and their approach to self-promotion.
It makes a very interesting read and is symptomatic of the changing face of the music industry as musicians sieze the publicity tools and wrestle the creative process out of the hands of major labels.
You can hear a minimix of the album here:
I.D. & Baobinga - Bass Music Sessions Album Preview by I.D.
Read the diary here. And download the album here - it's a no-minimum, pay what you want effort, with all proceeds donated to charity.
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